Rejuvenation Treatment (Rasayana Chikitsa)

Rasyana Chikitsa is the branch of Ayurvedic science, which deals with various aspects of preventive health care. The word Rasayana is a combination of two words “Rasa” and “ayana”. The word Rasa means the first liquid tissue which nourishes all the tissues in the body and Ayana is its circulation. This means that if rasa dhatu is produced in optimum quality and quantity, then naturally all the tissues in the body will be nourished properly.

Rejuvenation Treatment helps a person to maintain good health or to establish impaired or lost physical or mental health. Rasayana is an active step towards achieving the philosophy. It prescribes treatment for repairing wear and tear of the body, due to aging or diseases. It rejuvenates the tissues of the body giving the person undergoing the treatment a young look. Not only physical and mental, Rejuvenation treatment provides spiritual aid to the body as well, thereby bringing the body out of its state of natural or man-made loss. It also claims at holding back the process of aging. Rejuvenation treatment basically boosts the ojas and the immune system.

In short Rasayana Chikitsa is rejuvenation of the soul. It provides a long, disease free and vigorous life to the person, who undergoes this therapy seriously, as it helps to bring life back to normal.

Rejuvenation Treatment can be done in two ways; the first type is termed as vatatapikam. 

This type of treatment is mainly for people who cannot dedicate long hours are short of both enthusiasm and effort. In this treatment, patients generally undergo a dietary change and also a change in their regular lifestyle. The Rejuvenation treatment process is carefully choosen bearing in mind the patient’s age, sex, constitution, habits and diseases.

The second type is termed as kutipraveshikam which is also known as Kayakalpam. This is done with utmost diligence on strict measures and diet, under expert guidance. The major treatments will be carried out in a specially built hut, surrounded by walls that shut off wind and light. This treatment is only performed if you are free of any major illness. The duration can range from two months to four months.


  • Increases Lifespan
  • Improves Memory and intelligence
  • Gives better complexion
  • Restores Youthfulness
  • Improves Immunity
  • Enhances endurance levels
  • Improves sensory perception abilities

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