Panchakarma Full Course Package

Panchakarma treatment is an intensive cleansing treatment that follows the early texts of Ayurveda like Charaka Samhita. This ancient system of ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation treatment facilitate the removal of deep rooted stress and toxins in the physiology. Panchakarma treatment helps in achieving a balanced state of the body, mind and consciousness through detoxification and rejuvenation.

ag-nee Auyurveda Panchkarma Treatment

At ag-nee Ayurveda in kerala, we offer pure and authentic treatments with the aim of rejuvenating the body and spirit. The kerala panchakarma treatment here is unique to each individual and their body type (dosha), identifying the underlying factors in the ailment. Five purification methods are followed in the panchakarma cleansing therapy namely, Vamana (induced vomiting), Virechana (purgation), kashaya vasti and sneha vasti (two kind of medicated enemas) and nasya (nasal medication). It is preceded by a preparatory process called Poorvakarma . At this stage the body is prepared for removing “toxins” first through Snehanam which makes the body unctuous or oily internally and externally and second through Swedana which means therapeutic sweating. Once the preparatory stage is completed, the doctor will prescribe one or more of the five panchakarma cleansing procedures depending on each individual’s condition. The final stage of the treatment is Samana where the patient undergoes corrective measures through medicines, moderate therapeutic treatments, appropriate diet and activities for the body and mind. On the completion of panchakarma treatment, the imbalances that lead to diseases in the individual is stabilized and brought to equilibrium.

Who Can Undergo Panchakarma treatment?

People with age of 12 or above without any major illness can undergo this kerala panchakarma treatment. Since Panchakarma treatment in kerala is a purification therapy that correct health issues people with certain illness are not recommended to undergo this treatment.

People with the following medical conditions can undergo panchakarma treatment:

  • Sinusitis
  • Migraine
  • Headache
  • Arthritis
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Joint Pain
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Spondylitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Liver Disorders
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Skin Diseases etc.

Beneficial of Kerala Panchakarma Treatment:

  • Remove toxins from the blood and cleanses the whole body.

  • Opens up the blocked channels for smooth flow of blood and other vital nutrients within the body.

  • Stabilizes the nervous system and induces a relaxation response in mind.

  • Give a boost to immunity system.

  • Reduces stress and related problems.

  • Strengthens the digestive system

  • Rejuvenate the tissues

  • It speeds up the metabolic process within the cellThe Panchakarma Treatment Program at New Ideal:

14 Days Kerala Panchakarma Treatment Program:

This is a highly preventive, rejuvenating, detoxifying and immunity boosting kerala panchakarma treatment program.

Program Inclusions:

  • Daily 1 Yoga Session & Meditation (as per doctors recommendation.)
  • Daily two types of detoxifying therapy & rejuvenation treatments with accomodation and ayurvedic balancing diets.

Benefits of the Treatment Program:

  • The therapy is highly beneficial for relaxation and rejuvenation purpose.
  • Prevents mild ailments and issues.
  • Helps in effective management of serious health issues.
  • Helps in detecting the root cause of a disease and eliminates it.
  • Best treatment for relieving stress, insomnia, anxiety, bodyache and recurring infection.

21 Days Kerala Panchakarma Treatment Program:

This therapy is primarily aimed at providing relief from ailments such as joint pain, muscular tension, neurological disorders etc.

Program Inclusions:

  • Daily 1 Yoga Session & Meditation (as per doctors recommendation.)

  • Daily two types of detoxifying therapy & rejuvenation treatments with accomodation and ayurvedic balancing diets.

Benefits of the Treatment Program:

    • Function as an excellent treatment for balancing the deep seated doshas hidden beneath the tissues in the body.

    • Highly effective in managing arthritis, bone or muscle related injury, tissue and ligament issues etc.

30 Days Panchakarma Treatment Program:

Re establish the lost vitality and vigor, feel healthy and youthful with this unique panchakarma treatment program.

Program Inclusions:

      • Daily 1 Yoga Session & Meditation (as per doctors recommendation.)

      • Daily two types of detoxifying therapy & rejuvenation treatments with accomodation and ayurvedic balancing diets.

Benefits of the Treatment Program:

    • The therapy is highly beneficial for relaxation and rejuvenation process

    • The treatment aids in a highly effective management of medas and doshas in the body.

    • Excellent for those looking for weight loss, body strengthening, treating reproductive issues and more.

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