Snehapanam Ayurvedic Treatment

Snehapanam ayurvedic treatment is the oral intake of medicated ghee with medicinal herbs. The name Snehapanam came from two Sanskrit words Sneha-oil and Panam-Drink. The snehapanam (internal oleation) is a preparatory procedure for panchakarma therapies. Panchakarma therapy is aimed at removing any imbalances in the three doshas. The snehapanam or oleation procedure helps to mobilize the doshas and prepare the body for further therapies.


Snehapanam ayurvedic treatment is done in the morning after attending to the calls of nature, on an empty stomach. The dosage will depend on the health, age, diagnosed illness and digestive capacity of the patient. The treatment lasts between eight to twelve days depending on the condition of the patient and the illness being treated. It is helpful in cleaning the intestine to remove amas and also beneficial for expelling of Amas-toxic materials from patient’s body through urine and stool.


  • Psoriasis
  • Skin Diseases and Rashes
  • Piles, Constipation
  • Peptic Ulcer
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Urinary Disorders
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Diabetes, gout & epilepsy


  • Cure skin diseases like psoriasis, boils and rashes
  • Effective for peptic ulcer, constipation and piles
  • Relieve digestive disorders
  • Treat ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Urinary Disorders
  • Cure Osteoarthritis
  • Control diabetes, gout and epilepsy.

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