Ag-nee Ayurveda Treatments

Abhyangam Ayurvedic Treatment

Abhyangam is a full body massage done with medicated herbal oils. Abhyangam is a sanskrit word, which means application of oil all over the body. Abhyangam is a sanskrit word…

Dhanyamla Dhara Ayurvedic Treatment

Dhanyamala Dhara is a special kind of Ayurvedic massage therapy, which includes pouring of medicinal liquid over different body parts. The word Dhanyamala is a conjugate of two different…

Kati vasti Treatment

Kati vasti is a very effective ayurvedic treatment for various ailments connecting to lower back and spine. The term Kati refers to the low back region. In Kati vasti a reservoir made…

Kizhi Ayurvedic Treatment

Kizhi, also known as pinda swedam or potala swedam is a medicated fomentation therapy wherein medicated powders, herbs are tied in cloth bags & the body is massaged with these bags…

Mukhalepam Ayurvedic Treatment

Mukhalepam or Mukhalepanam is a very famous ayurvedic facial therapy which can be characterized as a pure ayurvedic skin care treatment. Mukhalepam is also called as a skin protection therapy…

Nasyam Ayurvedic Treatment

Nasyam is one of the panchakarma procedure mentioned in Ayurveda. It is a process by which drug is administered through nostrils. Nostrils are considers to be the door way to head…

Sirovasthi Ayurvedic Treatment

Sirovasti is an ayurvedic procedure in which the medicated oil is allowed to stay over the head for the prescribed time. The word shirovasti is derived from two sanskrit words ‘shiro’…

Udwarthanam Ayurvedic Treatment

Udwarthanam or ayurvedic powder massage is a special therapeutic massage using herbal powders. The word ‘udwarthana’ refers to elevation or to promote. In udwarthanam…

Shirodhara Ayurvedic Treatment

Shirodhara treatment is a classic Ayurvedic therapy that includes pouring of warm herbal oil on the forehead in continuous stream. The word Shirodhara is arrived from two Sanskrit words…

Netra Tarpana Treatment

Tharpanam is an effective ayurvedic treatment for the eyes. Medicated oil or ghee is poured over the eyes employing black gram dough rings. The patient is said to keep their eyes closed…

Pizhichil Treatment

Pizhichil treatment is a combination of oil massage and heat treatment. This therapy was mostly used by maharajas in olden days, and popularly known as the treatment for aristocrats.

Janu Basti Treatment

Janu Basti name is given to the procedure done on knee joints. In this the knee joint is bathed with warm medicated oil or freshly prepared herbal decoction

Thalapothichil Treatment

Thalapothichil is a special procedure of application of medicated paste on the head. Thalapothichil is also called as Shirolepa (anointment to head/ head pack). Thalapothichil is from Malayalam where thala refers to head and pothichil is covering.

Leech Therapy ( Raktamokshana )

Leech therapy or Raktamokshana Jaluka Charana is a kind of blood purification therapy, where leeches are used to suck the impure blood from the infected part of the body. 

Patra Pinda Swedana

Patra means leaves, Pinda means bolus, Sweda is sweat, Swedana is sweat inducing treatment.Patra Pinda Sweda is a treatment in which leaves of medicinal plants having analgesic, anti-degenerative and anti-inflammatory properties are used for fomentation (sweat inducing) of painful parts

Snehapanam Ayurvedic Treatment

Snehapanam ayurvedic treatment is the oral intake of medicated ghee with medicinal herbs. The name Snehapanam came from two Sanskrit words Sneha-oil and Panam-Drink

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